
Friday 30 August 2019

Writing A Paragraph About Our Organs And Our Skeletal System

WALT: we learnt how to write a paragraph using the TEXT format.
Introduction: We chose partners and researched about a organ then we did a mind map and copied it and I put it on my blog.

Your brain is one of the most important organs in your body.
The brain is like a command centre, it controls your body and it stores memory. If you don’t have a brain you wouldn't be able to move or speak. The brain also receive information for example if you learn something it will keep the information. Your brain weighs 1.5 kgs when your an adult. Your brain contains billions of nerve cells. When you get older your brain could contain a disease called Alzheimer’s disease, and another disease called Parkinson's disease. When you put your two fists together that is how big your brain is. That's why your brain is one of the most important organs in your body, so remember to wear a helmet when you ride a bike. 

Bones are designed to take a beating 
If you fall over instead of hitting your organs it will hit your bones. You need bones or you will flop around like paper in the wind. On the outside of your bones are solid and smooth, the inside is soft and it's got marrow inside. There are different kinds of marrow. The yellow bone marrow is fat and the red bone marrow is your blood cells. Bones in your bodies are living tissue. You got 206 bones in your body.

Reflection: I found it easy to research about the organ. I had difficultly with turning the facts into sentences. 
Question: What paragraph was the best?

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