
Tuesday 28 November 2017

christmas in the park

On saturday I went to christmas in the park.My mum bought fifteen tickets for me and my brothers.I was looking for something to doI went to go and play chuck a duck it was two tickets.I got one animal in a hole.I won an active booklet and a packet of lollies.I felt happy when I won the active booklet and the packet of lollies.I went to go and show my mum my active booklet and my packet of lollies.After that I went to go and buy ice cream with marley. I got pasinfrut and maley got chochlate.

Friday 27 October 2017

The Giraffe

The giraffe was running away from the lion. 
Suddenly the lion pounced on the giraffes neck and tried to bite it, but the lion fell off and got stepped on by the giraffe. 
It looked funny and sad. I felt sorry for the lion that got stepped on. The giraffe was lucky that he didn't get bitten by the lion. 
The giraffe stopped running because he thought that he was safe.

Image result for giraffe being chased by a lion

Friday 20 October 2017


Dragons are so scary because they can blow fire out of their mouths. Dragons have sharp teeth and dragons can fly very high. Dragons have spikes on their backs. My dragon has a very dark cave and whenever my dragon coughs, fire comes out of its mouth. My dragon has a very long tail. My dragon blows steam out of his nose. My dragon has a very spiky spine. My dragon is very terrifying and my dragon has very sharp claws.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

I show everyday leadership letting people join in my game.

Friday 1 September 2017

Dear Mr Sedcole

Taonga Class
Mangonui school

Dear Mr Sedcole

Please can we have some money  because we are going to help the worm's by buying a watering can and some bucket's with a lid.   The bucket's with lids are for some scrap's for the worm's in the worm farm. We also need two worm wee collector's for the soil.

From Hemi.

Friday 4 August 2017


Bump, bump, bump on the bus.
People walking, walk, walk,walk.
Planting trees, smile.
Taking photos, going back.
Eating eat, eat, eat.
Playing play, play, play.

Adventure in the bush.
Slimy wet track.
back to school.

Friday 26 May 2017

at home

Yesterday my mum bought me some lollies. I ate some lollies and then I watched some tv in my mum's bed, it was funny. Then I got
ready for my appointment. I had my appointment and then I went home. I had some fish and chips at  home my dad bought me some drinks it was yum.

Friday 24 March 2017

Trillion Trek

Today Trillion Trek came to Mangonui school. A magician showed Mangonui school some tricks. My favourite trick was when he squeezed and he squeezed and the cards became. Smaller and smaller untill the cards became invisible at you can't see the cards.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

The Brain

The brain.
your brain is a muscle because when you, challenges someone your brain grows and grows. If you don't face new challenges you have a fix mindset, and if you have a growth mindset you face challenges 

Friday 10 March 2017

The Skin

skin is incredible and extremely important .
Firstly skin is stretchy and elastic like, a rubber band . If your skin isn't stretchy your skin will rip as you grow. If you swim for a long time you, will get all wrinkly and wet. Melanin is in your body and, Melanin makes you dark so, the more melanin you have the more you get darker.