
Wednesday 21 October 2020

Invasion Of The Covid Zombies The Movie

WALT: Plan and create an movie for a specific purpose and audience using the theme Life in Lockdown me and my class did a movie about life in lockdown to enter in the maiakalani film festival. me and my best mates did a film and the title is the invasion of the covid zombies. and we won the maiakalani film festival and the funny thing was we had to pick two movies from our school and the second one came second place and this other movie which is called covid-z came third. Reflection: it was easy making the movie. it was hard thinking of some ideas for the movie. i wish we made another movie. 

Question: have you ever made a movie?

Friday 16 October 2020

My Holiday Postcard

 WALT: recount a memory from our holiday and write a short summary for a friend.

I did a google drawing about a holiday and give it to a friend.

Reflection: it was easy making the boogie boards. it was hard to make the people. I wish we had another holiday for a week.

Question: have you been to the sand dunes?