
Tuesday 27 November 2018

A Scary Story

One dark night I was walking on my eight little
legs in a dark, haunted room. I saw a big
smelly foot. The big smelly foot was trying to
step on me but I dodged it. I ran  quickly and
hid behind a table. Sometime later, the big
giant walked out of the room. I felt relieved.
A few minutes later I felt hungry I went to go
hunt for some food. Then I saw the big giant
again!! I went to hide but the giant didn’t attack.
I went by the giant “hello” I said to the giant
the giant didn’t attack I went to go and hunt
for some food again. After that  I went home
my home was gone!! I made my home.
Meanwhile I went in my new home I went to
sleep. I felt happy

Monday 5 November 2018

First, I crept into the garage to get some peas for dinner then I went to the
freezer.  As soon as I opened the lid I saw a fat snowman! The giant snowman
put a bag of peas on his head. Next, he showed me a picture of his home and
then he climbed out of the freezer and left the garage and went outside into
the freezing dawn. Everything was covered in snow and ice.  Before very
long, I followed the snowman outside and took me by the hand. Next minute
I was flying! I was shocked. we flew above the whole town. Meanwhile, I thought that I was going to die! But I felt  something was holding me...It was
the snowman! We soared over houses and mountains. Even though it felt like
we were in the middle of nowhere, we saw a flock of snowmen.  I even saw
Santa! I waved to santa then he waved back at me.

Sometime later I flew back home with the snowman. I felt exhausted after the
big adventure. I went home I had dinner then I went to sleep

The Snowman Hemi

First, I crept into the garage to get some peas
for dinner then I went to the freezer.  As soon
as I opened the lid I saw a giant snowman! The
giant snowman put a bag of peas on his head.
Next, he showed me a picture of his home
and then he climbed out of the freezer and
left the garage and went outside into the
freezing dawn. Everything was covered in
snow and ice.  Before very long, I followed
the snowman outside and took me by the
hand. Next minute I was flying! I was shocked.
we flew above the whole town. Meanwhile, I
thought that I was going to die! But I felt
something was holding me...It was the
snowman! We soared over houses and
mountains. Even though it felt like we were
in the middle of nowhere, we saw a flock of
snowmen.  I even saw Santa! I waved to
Santa then he waved back at me.
Sometime later I flew back home with the
snowman. I felt exhausted after the big
adventure. I went home I had dinner then I
went to sleep.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Keep Mangonui Ataahua!!!


Keep Mangonui Ataahua
Mangonui is a beautiful place to live. But people are littering in Mangonui is bad for the fish.

Stop using single use plastic because it pollutes the ocean. The fish will eat the plastic and when people
eat the fish they will get really sick and die.

Stop using plastic bags because turtles think that plastic bags are jellyfish. When turtles eat the plastic
\bags they will get really sick and die.Sometime later there will be no more turtles if you keep on buying
plastic bags - SO DON’T BUY PLASTIC BAGS!!!

So don’t litter if you litter you are not being kaitiaki to papatuanuku and the animals and all living creatures
in the ocean. Don’t litter or the ocean will look like a dead zone -SO DON'T LITTER!!!

Wednesday 22 August 2018

On a starry night, a long time ago there was a
chief named Moehuri. The stars shone like
lights in the sky.”I am so tired of paddling my
waka” thought Moehuri.Moehuri said a karakia
to a shark to guide Moehuri through the
harbour. When Moehuri got to land he named
the land mangonui so he can remember the

Thursday 16 August 2018

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Wednesday 28 February 2018

My favourite time of day

My favourite time of day is the afternoon. In the afternoon I play on my bike. I feel the bars on my bike. I hear the rocks flicking off my tyres. Once, I went riding and I saw other people riding their bikes.

Friday 16 February 2018

Monday 5 February 2018

The Best Part Of Me

I think the best part of me is my arms. My arms look like sticks. My arms are like branches on a tree. I use my arms to play games.  I use my arms to write a book. If I didn't have arms I would be sad for the rest of my life. Maybe I might not be able to climb a tree.