
Monday 5 November 2018

The Snowman Hemi

First, I crept into the garage to get some peas
for dinner then I went to the freezer.  As soon
as I opened the lid I saw a giant snowman! The
giant snowman put a bag of peas on his head.
Next, he showed me a picture of his home
and then he climbed out of the freezer and
left the garage and went outside into the
freezing dawn. Everything was covered in
snow and ice.  Before very long, I followed
the snowman outside and took me by the
hand. Next minute I was flying! I was shocked.
we flew above the whole town. Meanwhile, I
thought that I was going to die! But I felt
something was holding me...It was the
snowman! We soared over houses and
mountains. Even though it felt like we were
in the middle of nowhere, we saw a flock of
snowmen.  I even saw Santa! I waved to
Santa then he waved back at me.
Sometime later I flew back home with the
snowman. I felt exhausted after the big
adventure. I went home I had dinner then I
went to sleep.

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